* The Mother / Child room is available during the Worship Service for parents to accompany their children ages 0-5 while still being able to listen to the sermon.  The Garden of Eden room is also available downstairs.  

* First Grade and up will attend worship service with their parents.  Coloring and activity sheets related to the sermon are available for Grades 1-5.  Please feel free to pick them up in the lobby. 

*We are a growing Church and so is our Youth Ministry.   We desire to see this next generation grow in their true identity in Jesus Christ, standing firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured. 

We are currently revising our Youth Sunday School Curriculum discovering new ways to engage, disciple, and provide opportunities for our youth to use their God-given gifts and talents to serve each other and the community. 

Partnering with local Church Youth Groups allows our youth to connect with their peers in a fun and Godly way.